HUD announces changes to NSPIRE
On January 25, 2023, HUD released a notice announcing changes to the Demonstration to Assess the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate and Associated Protocols (NSPIRE) through the Federal Register. This demonstration allows HUD to test the NSPIRE standards and protocols as the means for assessing the physical conditions of HUD-assisted and HUD-insured housing. This notice also informs Demonstration participants of the Multifamily Housing program that they will receive an inspection of record through the NSPIRE demonstration before October 1, 2023 unless they opt out of the demonstration by the March 1, 2023 deadline, in which case they will receive an inspection of record through the Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS).
The demonstration modification is effective January 25, 2023.
Opting out of the NSPIRE inspection
Demonstration participants choosing to opt out of the NSPIRE inspection of record (in favor of a UPCS inspection) may do so by submitting a request via email to no later than March 1, 2023.
Revised demonstration end dates
This notice also revises the demonstration end dates to align with the NSPIRE final rule.
- Public Housing: Demonstration ends June 30, 2023
- Multifamily Housing: Demonstration ends September 30, 2023
Should these dates change, HUD will provide an additional notice through the Federal Register.
A full copy of the notice can be viewed here.
On June 16, 2019, Hud published through the National Register the proposed National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate aimed at improving the way HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) assists in ensuring housing quality by performing accurate, credible, and reliable assessments. In late 2019, REAC began a two-year, voluntary demonstration to better identify potential adjustments to standards, protocols, and processes prior to nationwide implementation. This demonstration involves a diverse, representative group of stakeholders, including other HUD offices, public housing authorities (PHAs), and property owners and agents (POAs). During the demonstration, volunteer properties around the United States participate in inspections using the new protocol and provide feedback.