CMS is Now Performing MORs for the State of Missouri on Behalf of MHDC
As of May 1, 2023, Contract Management Services (CMS) entered into a subcontract to perform Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs) for the state of Missouri by the Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC), the assigned Performance Based Contract Administrator (PBCA) for Missouri.
What this means for you:
If you are a property owner or management agent in Washington, Nebraska, or Utah, your experience will not change. Please continue to work with CMS for all HUD Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) or PBCA related services.
If you are a property owner or management agent that works with MHDC to submit information related to your HAP contract like monthly requests for payment (vouchers), rent adjustments, and/or contract renewals under the PBRA program, you will be contacted by CMS when we are ready to schedule your next MOR. Please continue to work with MHDC on all PBRA activities not related to the MOR. If you have questions for the CMS Compliance Team or about the MOR, contact us at MOR@cms‑
CMS will schedule and conduct an on-site MOR of each Section 8 Development in accordance with MHDC’s Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with HUD, using Form HUD 9834 and related HUD addendums and required MHDC forms, and evaluate the owner’s operating policies and procedures following guidance in the appropriate HUD directives; including any amendments or changes in the law, HUD regulations, MHDC policy, and other requirements.
If you have more questions:
Check out the rest of this website for helpful training and resources related to HUD multifamily requirements and the PBRA program.
To contact us, fill out our contact form here,
or reach out directly to our Compliance Manager, Kristy Yeadon at kyeadon@cms‑
We look forward to working with you!