HUD Publishes 30-Day Notification Requirement Prior to Termination of Lease for Nonpayment of Rent
On December 13, 2024, HUD published the 30-day notification requirement prior to termination of lease for nonpayment of rent in the Federal Register. This rule is required no later than January 13, 2025, except PHA compliance with 24 CFR 966.4(q) is required no later than June 15, 2026. PBRA owner compliance with certain requirements in new 24 CFR 880.606(b), 884.215, 886.127(c), 886.327(c), and 891.425(d), is required no later than 14 months from the date that HUD publishes final model leases that incorporates these requirements.
December 16, 2024In HUD Announcements, News, Uncategorized1 Minute